So, What’s the Problem? The Five PRIORITIES of Leaders
- October 28, 2021
- Posted by: hpiadmin
- Categories: Leadership, Power Ideas, The Prioritized Leader (TPL)
Power Idea from Jerry Houston, President and CEO of HPISolutions
As I begin this month’s Power Idea, I want to credit my friend and industry colleague, Larry Klimek, Chief cook and bottle-washer for the ideas and words for this writing.
Much has been said about leadership and many leaders strive to read all the books, listen to podcasts, attend online conferences, try the latest, greatest strategies, and yet see only small amounts of actual growth and improvement… preventing them from the levels of health, productivity and organizational growth that they are looking for.
So, what’s the problem?
It’s actually quite simple. High levels of influence endure only with the successful (and consistent) reflection and recalibration of one’s priorities. This continual realignment allows the best leaders to keep the most important at the forefront, cutting through the constant barrage of tasks, activities, interruptions, and urgent, never-ending requests.
The Prioritized Leader process is a methodology that helps identify key priorities, and more important the priority of those factors that will help you actively solve rising leadership challenges within your organization. This is an immersive experience that helps leaders to identify their current priorities, obtain guidance on how to correctly order those priorities, incorporate more of these aspects into their day-to-day, and spread the impact of the priorities throughout the organization.
The five priorities are:
PURPOSE – It’s about knowing and living the “why” of your organization, being able to articulate a clear and compelling future. The currency is vision and values.
PEOPLE – The level of health and productivity we have with our colleagues and connections. The currency is encouragement and accountability.
PACE – Discerning how fast (or slow) the organization needs to move to sustain long-term success, capitalize on opportunities, and preserve capital. The currency is time and energy.
PERCEPTION – Choosing a growth mindset, staying open to creative solutions and new ideas. The currency is insight and innovation.
PROFIT – The effective management, investment and release of an organization’s resources. The currency is dollars and cents.
Stepping back and investing the time in this examination of your business and following a process to know where your organization is and what you can do to be sure you are on the right course, doing the right things is paramount to creating a successful and sustainable future for your business.
Want to know more? Attend our free webinar on this topic or reach out to for a free consultation on The Prioritized Leader process.