SWIM WITH THE SHARKS Without Getting Eaten Alive!

Monday Message from Jerry Houston, President and CEO of HPISolutions

SWIM WITH THE SHARKS Without Getting Eaten Alive!

One of my favorite authors and business professionals is Harvey Mackay.  Mackay is a best-selling author, the founder of Mackay Envelope and a self-made millionaire many times over.

In his best-selling book, “Swim with the Sharks Without Getting Eaten Alive”, Mackay talks about some key concepts of Outselling, Outmanaging, Outmotivating and Outnegotiating your competitors.  There are many lessons to be learned in this outstanding book.  I highly recommend it to all my readers.

Last week I asked you all a question with regard to Leadership… ARE YOU READY?  A part of being ready is to think about Mackay’s questions of selling, managing, motivating and negotiating.  Being in business is tough.  There are many highs and lows.  It is critically important to have resilience.  It is ok to feel bad when a deal goes south, or an employee is disloyal, or any other number of things that will happen in your business.  What isn’t ok is to stay down.  There is a saying that “it isn’t about how many times you get knocked down, it’s about getting back up.”

We, like all businesses, have good times and bad.  It is a part of the package.  What we try to do is to follow two simple rules:

  1. You have the right to quit when you have just had enough… for an hour.
  2. After you have conducted your post-mortem or pity party or whatever you call it, say the word NEXT and move on.

There are multitudes of problems we will all face and there is also a multitude of solutions.  Get back up and keep movin’.

Have a Great Week!