Are You a Continuous Effective Learner?

Monday Message from Jerry Houston, President and CEO of HPISolutions

Are You a Continuous Effective Learner?

During our all-partner meeting (Partner Forum) last week, we discussed a new program to assist all partners in furthering their knowledge of an important segment of our business, Analytics.  We have known for many years that the first order of business with a client is generally taking stock of where the client is at in the organization’s growth and development.  As a part of that, we utilize a series of assessment tools to determine the behavioral makeup of the team, the emotional intelligence of the team, the leadership competencies that exist, and what stage of growth the organization may be in.

Despite the fact that all of our partners are very seasoned and experienced, with many of them certified in the analytics we utilize to diagnose the current state of our clients, we see the value of providing additional learning and collaboration on these topics.  Think of it as “sharpening the saw,” as Steven Covey would suggest.  Why would we spend valuable time and resources?  Thank you for asking…

It is very important to be a continuous effective learner.  This applies to all who are in leadership, regardless of the industry or occupation.  Out of these learning experiences, our partners will pick up additional ideas and concepts and then apply this knowledge to the betterment of our clients.  It’s important in your organization to do the same.  All of us, as leaders, are valued by our new ideas, innovations, and current thinking on a wide range of factors designed to help our organizations solve problems, innovate and stay on the leading edge.

Years ago, when I was in the private industry, I required my managers to spend 30% of their work time looking at new ideas, methods, and creative ways to manage their areas of responsibility.  It allowed our team to always be leading with best practices that brought the greatest value to the organization.

Ask yourself if you and your teams are continuous effective learners; and if not, talk to us about how we can help to change that part of the culture.

Have a great week!