Benefits of Virtual Training by JP Rosso

We believe in the power of Virtual Training at HPISolutions. Today, JP Rosso, Strategic Partner, expands further on the topic introduced in last week’s Power Idea.

Benefits of Virtual Training

In the past, management development, leadership development, executive development and more, were delivered ‘live’ via a coach, a consultant or in a classroom setting. While these classic methods of learning are dynamic and of high value, they take a great deal of time, plus travel costs plus time away from work & family. Since workers in today’s digital workforce have found themselves with less time to get even more things done, the time & expense to travel for training just doesn’t fit well any longer.

Thankfully, today’s technology is allowing companies to choose from an ever-expanding portfolio of ‘virtual training’ programs for various portions of their operations. This includes; virtual on-boarding of new employees, ‘how to’ instruction videos for the use of different company software programs, safety training programs, and more.

The benefits to the organization are meaningful in many ways.
• First & most obvious is the monetary saving by not having to travel.
• Second, is the saving of time away from work & family.

Management and executive level training via ‘virtual’ delivery especially benefits by these two elements. In today’s fast paced environment most managers & senior leaders have a hard enough task to take a vacation with their families much less take valuable time away from work as well for training.

A quality program delivered by an experienced consultancy or training organization can effectively use today’s interactive technology to replicate the dynamic & energetic engagement of a classroom environment.

Further benefits to other types of ‘virtual training’:

  • Training can be custom tailored to each organization’s needs.
  • The training tools (videos, power-points, etc.) are a company resource that can be used over & over unless or until a process or procedure changes. If produced with change in mind, the training tool is broken into modules and only the module that contained a ‘change’ has to be redone.
  • Virtual training allows those being trained to repeat the program as many times as needed so they can really get the point.
  • Virtual training is also able to be tracked by the IT department. EG: A safety training program with 12 modules can be set up to provide a session each month. IT tracks who took the training so that a record is kept. IT can also notify the supervisor of those workers who haven’t taken the training so that this can be taken care of.

As mentioned in other Power Ideas, ask “Why not?” Why not try virtual training? It’s a cost & time effective way to develop your organizations’ individuals, team, and leadership.

HPISolutions has tools to help you & your organization with a wide variety of ‘virtual’ as well as ‘live’ training, coaching, and other programs. John “JP” Rosso